Legal information

Air Moana is an airline operated by the company Natireva.

Purchasing flights with Air Moana implies the customer's full adherence to Air Moana's general conditions of carriage and sale, as well as the unconditional acceptance of all the provisions set forth in the general conditions.

Natireva may update these conditions at any time without notice. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you review them during each of your visits to our website at the following addresses: General Conditions of Carriage and General Conditions of Sale.

Website Publisher Information

SAS Natireva operating under the brand name "Air Moana"
Simplified joint-stock company with a capital of 897,000,000 XPF
1 rue du Commandant Jean Gilbert
BP 40773 Fare Tony
98713 Papeete - Tahiti - French Polynesia
RCS Papeete TPI 21-324 B – Tahiti N° E50458
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: +689 40 68 40 68

The website was designed and is maintained by Natireva “Air Moana”.

Publication manager

M. Olivier-Jean BREAUD – President

Editorial manager

Hauroa WINCHESTER - Director of Information and Communication Systems

Data Protection Officer (DPO)

The Data Protection Officer can be reached at the following email address: [email protected]

Website Hosting

Vercel Inc.

340 S Lemon Ave #4133, Walnut, United States

CA 91789

(559) 288-7060

Intellectual Property and Photo Credits

All data, information, images, photographs, texts, or any other content published on the website are protected under intellectual property law.

All website content and intellectual property rights are the property of Natireva or its partners.

Any reproduction, representation, use, or adaptation, in any form, of all or part of the elements on the site constitutes an act of infringement punishable under the Intellectual Property Code.